Joe Grey: travel, transport, maps and tea


Hi - this website is very much work in progress, so please excuse the dead links, excessively random stuff and other general incompleteness. 

This site will be mainly a blog of my experiences fitting out a camper van, travelling in it, drinking lots of tea, talking about maps, transport and other irrelevant stuff that comes to my head. The site will also have some of my artworks on  (mostly map stuff), and probably some thoughts and (hopefully not patronising) explanations of the world of transport, maps and so on.

Please feel free to come and go as you wish, and when I've worked out how to allow comments and feedback, use it!

Cheers, Joe
Oh, and it's milk and no sugar, please.

Top picture - the hideous walk from the main road to Castries George F L Charles Airport in St Lucia. Alternatively you can walk along the picturesque perimeter road breathing in the scented fumes of petrol and aviation fuel. 

Right - this is me enjoying a cup of tea in my old camper van on the seafront at Hythe, Kent, contemplating a move to permanent vandom. Please accept my apologies for any distress this image of scum on the tea may cause, it didn't actually taste too horrific.